One of my resolutions at the start of 2020 was to get back into reading books. I've started by simply rereading books already in my library that I haven't opened for sometime. One of those books is the classic "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R. Covey. I'm remembering now why it's a classic.
I first read this book about six years ago, when I was working in sheetmetal fabrication. At the time, I remember being impressed with it. But now that I find myself married and doing state-side mission work in the Pacific Northwest, I find the book's thesis especially pertinent to me.
Covey makes a point to begin his book on the importance of one's character and the bedrock of principles upon which said character is established. This theme continues on through the book and is tied to his discussion on the seven habits. But the subtitle on the cover of the book, I believe, is a better title than the actual one - "Powerful Lessons in Personal Change". Powerful lessons, indeed. I'm grateful for the reminder these lessons serve for me during this time in my life.
It's easy for me to get distracted or discouraged by my life's current circumstances and to become reactive. To blame my circumstances for negative feelings or thoughts rather than taking responsibility. One of the things I've let myself neglect is this blog, and I think I've suffered for it. But that's just one small example.
Life in ministry is still a new concept for me. Life in Seattle, WA is still new, although I do feel myself finally adjusting somewhat to it. I no longer immediately feel irritable when I get up in the morning only to find that it's still raining! So, that's good.
If you haven't read Covey's book, I highly recommend it. It can be a rather convicting read. Covey incorporates biblical examples throughout the book, which I greatly appreciate. For me, reading his book again was a good reminder to reevaluate my priorities, to measure my work based off effectiveness rather than efficiency, and to reexamine the importance of my character.
Covey's book, along with having a head cold and sore throat combo, reminded me to resume this blog. I'm sorry about my inactivity over the past three months.
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