Friday, October 25, 2019

Jesus Died for Pharisees.

     Yes, Jesus ate with prostitutes and publicans, despite what others thought of Him. But. I'm concerned we Christians need to be reminded that Jesus died for Pharisees too.

     Despite, I'm sure, being tired after a busy day, Jesus met privately at night with a Pharisee, a ruler of the Jews. (John 3:1ff) It's pretty easy for me to imagine Nicodemus having previously opposed Jesus in public. Yet, Jesus took time aside to come alongside this man and to answer his questions. It's noteworthy that the most quoted verse on God's love for us comes in the midst of Jesus's dialogue with a Pharisee. 

     "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

     In the next verse that we would do well to remember. Jesus told a Pharisee, "For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved." (vs. 17). I can almost hear Jesus's calm tone of reassurance to Nicodemus. "I didn't come to condemn you, Pharisee. Despite you resisting me, despite you being so embarrassed to talk with me that you came to me in the secrecy of night, my goal isn't to condemn you. I came that you might be saved. I came because God loves you."

     Unfortunately, I fear we don't always echo the same sentiment towards those we deem as Pharisees.       

     In our passionate preaching to love the sinner and the poor, I hope we don't forget the okay and the rich. In our haste to teach from the gospels such accounts as the Samaritan woman, I hope we don't forget the accounts of Jesus praising those with power and wealth. After all, is our God not Lord over both the rich and poor? The popular and the rejected? 

     It wasn't a poor man but a slave-owning centurion with command over others that was said to have greater faith than any other in all Israel (Matt. 8:5-13). Jesus desired to stay in the home of a rich man (Luke 19:1-10). After Jesus suffered a humiliating death on the cross, it wasn't a prostitute and a poor man that pulled the nails from His hands, cleaned the dirt and blood from His mangled flesh, clothed His naked body, and gave Him a dignified burial. It was a rich man and a Pharisee (John 19:39-40).

     Yes, God loves the addict, the homeless, the prostitute, and the impoverished. But, He also loves the successful, the professional, the prudish, and the privileged. I hope the emphasis in our conversations about the church does not center around our disdain for those we deem as self-righteous. In addition, I hope we've not convinced ourselves that in order to increase the effectiveness of the church we should purge those we deem as Pharisees, lest we become prejudiced towards those we perceive as prejudiced.

     To give a biblical example of what I'm talking about... "And when Saul was come to Jerusalem, he attempted to join himself to the disciples: but they were all afraid of him, and believed not that he was a disciple..." (Acts 9:26). This would never happen in today's church by we who aim to be so inclusive. Right?  

     We can't let ourselves get distracted by a witch hunt. We need to be like Barnabas (Acts 9:27). God's mission for His church does not consist of purging Pharisees from our assemblies. It actually consists of graciously reserving a seat for them beside the adulterer they tried to stone.

     May we not cast the first stone at those we think are casting the first stone.
           - Nathaniel 

Thursday, October 10, 2019

A New Home!

     Once again, prayers have been answered for us! God has provided a new home for us, and it's an excellent compromise between fiscal stinginess and irresponsible spending. Instead of a small apartment or a house, we found a townhome apartment for a reasonable price (at least, in relation to other prices around here).

     There are two stories. The main level will provide needed space for hospitality and hosting small group assemblies. The second level has two bedrooms. So, the spare can be used as an office space when it's just Birdie and me at home... or as a guest bedroom for supporters that might want to come visit. All of this for under $2,000 a month!

     One of the things about our new home that has me very excited is the built-in community that we'll be joining. The apartment complex has a nice facility with a pool, hot tub, gym, dog park, etc. All of which provide an opportunity right outside our door to connect with people in a casual way. I can already see the possibilities!

     Besides finishing up some paperwork and paying the initial costs, all that's left before us now is to wait for the move-in date, November 15th. Thankfully, our gracious teammates, Joshua and McKenzy Clearman, will continue to provide housing for us until then. All in all, God has definitely answered our prayers for housing, both in the month to come and in the present moment. Again, I am left feeling greatly humbled and thankful that God is bigger than my petty frustrations and doubts.

     Pressing forward... Nathaniel


Tuesday, October 8, 2019


     Just a few days ago, Friday night of last week, Roberta and I arrived in West Seattle, WA. This marks the official start of the next chapter in our lives - sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with others in the Pacific Northwest. Meanwhile, there is still much to be done to get settled here.

     The first step is finding housing for ourselves and establishing a permanent address. Our teammates - the Clearmans - have graciously opened up their lovely home to us in the meantime. We have our own room and bathroom, making it feel less like we're sharing a space with others. I suppose I should be used to it by now, living in another person's home. After all, Roberta and I have been living out of our suitcases as for going on three months now, jumping from one person's house to the next. Our living circumstances have been an important reminder for me to "count my blessings" and to name them one by one, lest I give into murmuring and discontentment.

     In truth, there is much to be intimidated by when it comes to finding housing. Prices are so ridiculously inflated in West Seattle right now, it's difficult to find a house to rent that's below $2,000 a month. We cannot afford one with our current percentage of support we're asking for. We'll most likely have to look at studio apartments, but I know Roberta dreads the thought inside. Both of us have a desire for hospitality and having people over, and our ability in this area would be severely restricted by the lack of space a studio apartment provides. Plus, our participation in hosting a home assembly for the church would be unlikely, making the job be passed on to our teammates.

     Yet, I cannot allow my inner frustrations blind me to how God is working unseen through it all. I have been praying fervently for more financial support for Roberta and myself. But an even more comforting thought than my own prayers is knowing that there are countless others out there as well, praying for us and the Northwest Mission. I owe each and every single one of them my gratitude and, in truth, this new chapter of my life. Without their love, support, and encouragement, I'm not sure I would be sitting here in West Seattle typing this post.

     To all of our supporters, family, and friends, Roberta and I thank you immensely! Because of you, we are now in West Seattle! Because of you, a new chapter in our walk is beginning! Thank you - all of you - for everything you have done and continue to do to help us! We have felt the comforting Spirit of God moving through you all. Indeed, I can say with help from you all (and despite myself at times), "Blessed by the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ..." (Eph. 1:3).

     Pressing forward... Nathaniel

Newest Letter:

Is Unconditional Love Biblical? Part 2

     Preface: if you haven't, I highly advise reading my first article on unconditional love before reading this one.      I write thi...

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